SSBEA BIPARTITE MEETING CONCLUDED.STAFF HOUSING LOAN@6%.substaff 8lakhs,Clerical 12 lacks,officers 20Lacks.10%margin.Wef.01/04/2011!!!


27 April 2010




(1) All workmen employees are in the service of the bank as on the date of this Settlement who exercise option to join the Pension Scheme in terms of this Settlement will contribute from their arrears on account of wage revision in terms of the Settlement between the parties dated 27th April 2010 an amount of Rs.878 crores towards their share in the amount of Rs.1800 crores offered by UFBU towards 30% of the estimated funding gap of Rs.6000 crores. The said amount is worked out @2.8 times of the revised pay for the month of November 2007, for individual workmen employees.

(2) Another option for joining the existing Pension Scheme shall be extended to those employees who:-

(I) (a) were in the service of the bank prior to 29th September 1995 in case of Nationalized Banks / 26th March 1996 in case of Associate Banks of State Bank of India and continue in the service of the bank on the date of this Settlement;

(b) exercise an option in writing within 60 days from the date of offer, to become a member of the Pension Fund and

(c) authorise the Trust of the Provident Fund of the bank to transfer the entire contribution of the bank along with interest accrued thereon to the credit of the Pension Fund.

(II) (a) were in service of the bank prior to 29th September 1995 in case of Nationalized Banks / 26th March 1996 in case of Associate Banks of State Bank of India and retired after that date and prior to the date of this Settlement;

(b) exercise an option in writing within 60 days from the date of offer to become a member of the Pension Fund and

(c) refund within 30 days after expiry of the said period of 60 days, the entire amount of the banks contribution to the Provident Fund and interest accrued thereon received by the employee on retirement together with his share in contribution towards meeting 30% of Rs.3115 crores which is estimated and reckoned as the funding gap for those eligible under Clause 2(II),2 (III) and 2(IV) of this agreement. On an individual basis, the payment over and above the bank’s contribution to Provident Fund and

interest thereon has been worked out at 56% of the said amount of bank’s contribution to Provident Fund and interest thereon received by the employee on retirement.

(III) The family of those employees who were in the service of the bank prior to 29th September 1995 in case of Nationalized Banks / 26th March 1996 in case of Associate Banks of State Bank of India retired after that date and died will be eligible for family pension, provided –

(a) the family of the deceased employee exercises option in writing within 60 days of the offer to become a member of the Pension Fund and

(b) refund within 30 days after expiry of the said period of 60 days, the entire amount of the bank’s contribution to the Provident Fund and interest accrued thereon received by the deceased employee on retirement together with his share in contribution towards meeting 30% of Rs.3115 crores which is estimated and reckoned as the funding gap for those eligible under Clause 2(II),2 (III) and 2(IV) of this agreement. On an individual basis, the payment over and above the bank’s contribution to Provident Fund and interest thereon has been worked out at 56% of the said amount of bank’s contribution to Provident Fund and interest thereon received by the employee on retirement.

(IV) The family of those employees who were in the service of the bank prior to 29th September 1995 in case of Nationalized Banks / 26th March 1996 in case of Associate Banks of State Bank of India, but have died while in service of the bank after that date will be eligible for family pension, provided –

(a) the family of the deceased employee exercises an option in writing within 60 days of the offer to become a member of the Pension Fund and

(b) refund within 30 days after expiry of the said period of 60 days mentioned above, the entire amount of the bank’s contribution to the Provident Fund and interest accrued thereon received upon death of the employee together with his share in contribution towards meeting 30% of Rs.3115 crores which is estimated and reckoned as the funding gap for those eligible under Clause 2(II),2 (III) and 2(IV) of this agreement. On an individual basis, the payment over and above the bank’s contribution to Provident Fund and interest thereon has been worked out at 56% of the said amount of bank’s contribution to Provident Fund and interest thereon received on death of the employee.

(3) (i) The existing pension scheme will not be applicable to those who join the services of banks on or after 1st April 2010.

(ii) Employees joining the services of banks on or after 1st April 2010 shall be eligible for the Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, the banks will be introducing for them. The Defined Contributory Pension Scheme proposed to be introduced for them will be one as governed by the provisions of New Pension System introduced for employees of Central Government w.e.f. 1st January 2004 and as modified from time to time. The Scheme shall be regulated and administered by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA).

(iii) The employees joining the services of the banks on or after 1st April 2010 shall contribute 10% of Pay and Dearness Allowance towards the Defined Contributory Pension Scheme and the bank shall make a matching contribution in respect of these employees.

(iv) There shall be no separate Provident Fund for employees joining services of Banks on or after 1st April 2010.

(4) Employees who ceased to be in service on or after 29th September 1995 in case of Nationalized Banks / 26th March 1996 in case of Associate Banks of State Bank of India on account of voluntary retirement under special scheme after rendering service for a minimum period of 15 years, shall be eligible to exercise an option to join the Pension Scheme subject to the terms and conditions mentioned for retiring employees opting for joining the Scheme.

(5) Pension/ Family Pension to those who opt to join the pension scheme complying with the terms of this Settlement shall be payable with effect from 27th November 2009, provided that employees who retired after that date shall get pension from the respective dates of their retirement. All the Regulations of the Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations, 1995 / 1996 shall be applicable to those who opt for the Pension Scheme in terms of this Settlement except to the extent mentioned in the foregoing Clauses of this Settlement.

(6) The terms of this Settlement shall not be applicable to State Bank of India.

(7) The terms of this Settlement shall be incorporated in the Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations, 1995 dated 29th September 1995 in case of Nationalized Banks / 26th March

1996 in case of Associate Banks of State Bank of India respectively by complying with the procedure for amendment of the relevant Pension Regulations.

(8) The terms of this Settlement shall be applicable to employees of Private Sector Banks who are parties to this Settlement in respect of those who were in the service of the bank on date of implementation of the Pension Scheme in terms of the Settlement dated 29th October 1993 and did not opt for pension.

(9) National Organisation of Bank Workers (NOBW), which is not a party to the Pension Settlement dated 29th October 1993, hereby endorses all the terms of the said Settlement.

(10) The provisions of the Bipartite Settlement dated 29th October 1993 on pension shall stand amended/ modified or superseded to the extent and in the manner detailed hereinabove.

(11) The provisions of the Bipartite Settlement dated 29th October 1993 which have not been amended/ modified or superseded by this Settlement shall continue to be in operation.

(12) The Unions who are parties to this Settlement agree that during the operation of this Settlement, they will not raise any demand of any nature whatsoever on any banks in respect of matters covered by this Memorandum of Settlement.

(13) Copies of this Memorandum of Settlement will be jointly forwarded by the parties to the authorities listed in Rule 58 of the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 so that terms of and conditions thereof are binding on the parties as provided in law.

(14) Any difference of opinion regarding interpretation of any of the provisions of this Settlement, the matter will be taken up only at the level of the Indian Banks’ Association and the Workmen Unions for discussion and Settlement.

Mumbai Dated: 27th April 2010

9th Bipartite Settlement signed today

Congratulations and Greetings
9th Bipartite Settlement signed today
AIBEA achieves Pension again and Pension for all
The much-awaited Settlements on wage revision and pension option have been signed today with the IBA, achieving another landmark in our trade union movement. The 9th successive Bipartite Settlement has been signed and the wages and service conditions of bank employees have been improved. The Pension option Settlement has also been signed today which enables all the remaining employees to be covered by the D.A. linked Defined Benefit Pension Scheme, which is the best social security measure in the post-retiral life of employees.
We are happy that under the banner of UFBU, all the 9 unions have simultaneously signed the Agreements covering both employees and officers, manifesting the true spirit of the UFBU.
The Settlement covers 46 Banks (26 Public Sector Banks, 12 Private Sector Banks and 8 Foreign Banks) and would benefit 4,77,000 workmen employees and 2,75,000 officers. The Settlement would cost the Banks an additional increase in wages by Rs.5,200 crores per year (Rs.4,816 crores for Public Sector Banks and around Rs.400 crores for private and Foreign Banks). The Settlement will be effective from November 2007 to October 2012.
Under the Settlement all the remaining 2,60,000 employees and officers who are now covered by CPF would be given a chance to join the Pension Scheme - a long time demand of the Unions. More than 50,000 retirees will also get the option to join the pension scheme.
The Settlement is preceded by 30 months of protracted negotiations between the IBA and the unions, and was backed by various agitational programmes and strike actions, which were enthusiastically implemented by the members. There were many anxious moments during this period coupled with loads of misinformations, orchestrated columnies and virulent propaganda against all our efforts to settle. Added to this were the attempts to undermine the organistion, decry the leadership and derail the negotiations. But overcoming this and these, we have concluded the Settlement successfully.
Hats off to your unity, patience and co-operation. You have done proud to AIBEA.
Greetings to all of you.





22 April 2010

pension option

UFBU CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 2010/5 22-4-2010


Dear Comrades,

As discussed on 13th April, 2010, efforts were taken to meet the Finance Minister on the issue of effective date of pension option w.e.f. 1-4-2008 as against IBA proposal of effective date from date of settlement.

Yesterday evening, representatives of UFBU met the Finance Minister in his office in North Block. The following were present from UFBU.

1. C H Venkatachalam, AIBEA
2. S A Kadri, BEFI
3. Harvinder Singh, AIBOC
4. Alok Khare, AIBOA
5. Pradip Biswas, BEFI
6. O P Sharma, INBEF
7. Prem Makkar, INBOC
8. Ashwani Rana, NOBW
9. Sunil Deshpande, NOBO

It was represented to the Finance Minister that since the Actuarial Report was based on the details of 31-3-2008, the pension option settlement should be effective from 1-4-2008, i.e. those who were on service on 1-4-2008 should be treated as existing employees for the sake of the settlement and pension payments on account of the option should be made from 1-4-2008. FM did not agree with our viewpoints. However, he stated that the effective date can be taken as 27-11-2009, i.e. the date on which we had signed the MOU.

IBA-UFBU MEETING on 27-4-2010:

IBA has informed that another round of meeting with the UFBU will be held on 27-4-2010 with a view to signing the final settlement. UFBU will meet at Mumbai on 26th April to take final view of the issues involved including pension cost sharing, issue like outsourcing, etc to pave the way for signing the settlement.

With greetings,
Yours Comradely,


21 April 2010

9th Bipartite will sign on 27th April -2010




17 April 2010

Final position for Officers' Pay Hike

Bank 9th Bipartite : Final position for Officers' Pay Hike.


1. Scales of Pay

JMG Scale I – Rs.14500 - Rs.28100 + 2 Stg.increments of Rs.800 [available now] + 2 [new] addl.stag.increments @ Rs.900/- each

MMG II – Rs.19400 - Rs 30600 + 2 stg.incements of Rs.900 [available now]+ 2 [new] Addl.stag.@ Rs.900/- each

MMG III – Rs.25700 to Rs.31500 + 2 stag.@ Rs.900 + 2 [new] Addl.stag.@ Rs.900 each

SMG IV – Rs.30600/- - Rs.36200/-
SMG V – Rs.36200 - Rs.40400/-
TEG VI-Rs.42000 – Rs.46800
TEG VII – Rs.46800 - Rs.52000/-

2. Dearness allowance – for every 4 points rise/fall beyond 2836 points of CPI,
Dearness allowance at 0.15% per slab

3. HRA @ 8.5%; 7.5%; 6.5% on revised Pay respectively.[BP+PQA+Stg.increments] for special places, Area I, other places.

4. CCA @ same rate of 4% of BP and 3% of BP with max. at same amount ie; Rs.540/- and Rs.375/-respectively.

5. Two additional stagnation increments for Scale I, II and III officers. The first of which will be paybale from 1.11.2007 provided he/she has completed 3 years after receiving the II stagnation increment. The fourth stagnation increment will be paid 3 years after drawing 3rd stagnation increment ie; 1.11.2010 or later.

6. W.e.f. 1.5.2005 pension to officers retired during the period 1st April 1998 to 31.10.2002 will be refixed on pay definition in terms of Joint Note dated 14.12.1999 – No arrears / commutation in respect of this will be paid

7. Similarly officers who retired in service during 1.11.2002 to 30.4.2005, Pension will be refixed pay as per Joint Note dated 2.6.2005. No arrears or commutation will be payable.

8. Medical Aid – JMG & MMG – Rs.5100/= and SMG & TEG –Rs.6200/- per annum

9. Hospitalization

Upto scale III Bed charges Rs.700/- for self per day
Bed charges RS.525/- for family per day
Other charges – 125% of workmen rates

Scale IV & above Bed charges Rs.900/- for self per day
Bed charges Rs.675/- for family per day
Other charges – 150% rates of workmen eligible for other charges

10. Recovery – for rent 1.20% of first stage of pay and 0.25% for furniture of first stage of pay or standard rent which ever is lower.

11. FPP
Increment + DA as on 1.11.2007 + HRA @ applicable rates
800 58
900+ 65
1000+ 72
1100+ 79
1200+ 86
1300+ 94

12. CAIIB Part I Rs. 410/- pm
CAIIB [both parts] Rs.1030/- pm

13. Deputation Allowance
Outside the Bank – 7.75% of Basic pay with maximum of Rs.2300/ pm
Within the Bank – 4% of Basic pay with maximum of RS.1200/- pm

14. Hill Allowance
1000 meters 2% of BP max.Rs.550/ -pm
1500 meters less than 3000 meters 2.5% of BP max.Rs.680/-
3000 meters and above 5% of BP max. of Rs.1570/-

15. Halting allowance

Scale IV & above 1000 800 700
Upto Scale III 800 700 600

16. LFC
a. JMG entitled to travel by air to the eligibility I class AC
b. Dependants income Rs.3500/- pm

17. Project Area Allowance
Group A Rs.290/= pm
Group B Rs.255/- pm

18. Mid Academic Allowance Rs.700/- pm

19. Split Duty Allowance Rs.165/- pm

20. Date of effect – 01.11.2007
[ except in the case of Hospitalisation. Halting allowance, Split Duty allowance,
Mid Academic Transfer allowance and officiating allowance
where it will be effective from 1.5.2010 ]

Source : All India Bank Officers' Association

15 April 2010

State Bank of India (SBI) officers have resigned from the membership of the officers’ association.

There have been wide spread reports regarding the dissatsifaction among various sections of the officers on account of the poor increase in this wage settlement. Officers have been fuming as association instead of increasing the pay scales as offered by IBA actually forced IBA to start the pay of Scale I officers at a lower level then what was offered by IBA. Similarly, the last stage of Scale VII offered by IBA was also pruned under the pressure of Union leaders. They did all this in the name of benefiting the Scale I, II and III officers by introducing stagnation increments. The final outcome which has come out has been far from satisfactory even for Scale I, II and III officers. Moreover, the payment for 2nd option for pension has also brought heart burnings as even pension optees have to contribute towards this.

Now we have received certain reports that due to above resentment with the wage settlement, 80 per cent of State Bank of India (SBI) officers in the senior management grade have resigned from the membership of the officers’ association.

The finer details of the industry wide wage revision for bank employees have already been worked out and the agreement will be made official next week.

“There has been an exodus from the officers’ association from the Mumbai Corporate centre alone”, said an employee involved in the issue.

Referring to the dissatisfaction among officers, TN Goel, president of the All-India State Bank of India Officers’ Federation, said the basic issue with the decision for just a 17.5 per cent hike, which was making it difficult to structure the pay scales. Hence, various groups feel they are getting a raw deal. Specific issues regarding SBI staff and officers will be taken up after the industry-level pact is signed.

However, SBI officials who have resigned from the association are of the view that the wage negotiations are more focused on issues other than a decent wage package. Officers allege that the first priority of the present settlement is giving a second pension option to those who did not opt for the scheme in 1993.

The second priority of the settlement had been providing “stagnation increments” to officers in scale I to III, they said. The position in the SBI cadre increases in an ascending order from scale I to scale V. Scale IV and V comprise senior management.

“The stagnation benefit creates an anomalous situation whereby a person in a lower scale, who was either not found fit for promotion or did not opt for promotion, draws the same basic salary as a person who is shouldering higher responsibilities after being promoted to a higher scale. Moreover, the wage settlement does not extend the same benefit to scale IV or V officers, where stagnation is more than 12 years and is followed by frequent transfers”, they said.

“The most objectionable part of the settlement is that the representatives of the SBI officers’ association, rather than struggling for higher wages for members, have settled for less. This is because IBA had proposed pay scales of Rs 15,000-54000 as increase in basic salary across the board whereas the association settled for Rs 14,500-52,000”, said the officers.

GD Nadaf, general secretary, All India Bank Officers’ Association, said that from around two-and-a-half years of arrears, employees opting for the second pension scheme might have to forgo seven to eight months of arrears as contribution to the pension fund in lieu of the provident fund.

14 April 2010

Talks with IBA on 13th April, 2010

Talks with IBA on 13th April, 2010

We reproduce herein the text of UFBU Circular No. 3 of date on the details of the discussions held between UFBU and IBA today (13th April, 2010) at Mumbai.

Pension related issues: While the draft of the Pension Option Settlement has been discussed and finalised, important issues of sharing the deficit / gap were discussed today. Various proposals of sharing method were discussed by us in the UFBU meeting including differential formula for pension optees and PF optees and taken up with the IBA. However, having regard to certain legal and other implications, it has been finalised to have a uniform sharing formula. The details are given in the UFBU circular herein.

Improvements in pension scheme: UFBU has also decided to take up various issues relating to improvements in the Pension Scheme like periodical updation of pension along with wage revision for serving employees, 100 % DA to be paid to all pensioners, common indexation of pension, increase in commutable portion of pension, increase in Ex Gratia for Pre-1986 retirees/widows, higher pension for pensioners above the age of 80, etc.

Final Settlement: Various informations are being floated amongst the employees that the 9th Bipartite Settlement would be signed on 15th, 17th, 25th, etc. As of now, IBA has proposed that the final settlement can be signed on 20th April, 2010 since according to them all the issues stand resolved and the draft is also getting finalised. However, from our side, there are very important issues like IBA’s proposals on outsourcing and increase in duties of Single Window Operators, Head Cashiers and Special Assistants without increase in Special Pay on which there are serious differences with the IBA. Without resolving these issues it would not be possible for AIBEA to sign the Settlement.

We will keep members informed of all developments. Units and members are requested not to be carried away or provoked by attempts from any quarter to create confusions and diversions.

Text of UFBU Circular No.3 dated 13th April, 2010.

Another round of bipartite talks was held between IBA and UFBU constituents at Mumbai today. IBA was represented by Mr. Ramakrishnan, Chief Executive, Mr. Unnikrishnan, Dy. Chief Executive and Mr. M. Venugopalan, Officer on Special Duty. From UFBU, representatives of all the 9 Unions were present.

In today’s meeting, issues relating to settlement on pension option were taken up. The draft Settlement was discussed in details and finalized.

Regarding retirees, the formula for contribution of Rs. 934 crores ( 30% gap ) of the deficit after refund of the PF amount (Bank’s contribution), it has been decided that the retirees will contribute as under:

Refund of PF amount (Bank’s contribution) actually received at the time of retirement (no interest is payable on this amount)= Rs. X

Plus: 56 % on this amount of Rs. X = Rs. Y

Less: Commutation amount Receivable from the Bank = Rs. Z

Net Amount refundable to the Bank Rs …… ( X + Y – Z )

Regarding existing employees / officers, out of the net gap of Rs. 6000 crores, Banks would contribute 70 % i.e. Rs. 4200 crores. For the balance of Rs. 1800 crores ( 30%) employees / officers would contribute as under: ( This will be a onetime contribution and would be recovered from the arrears.)

For existing employees/officers - 1.6 times of “ Pay ” payable for the month of November, 2007.

For employees who have joined the banks after 1st November, 2007 their contribution would be proportionately reduced.

Date of effect of pension option: IBA reiterated their stand that pension option would be effective from the date of the Settlement while we have explained our viewpoint that it should be w.e.f. 1-4-2008. Difference on this issue persists. UFBU decided to take steps to find a solution to this issue.

Improvements under Pension Scheme: We took up with IBA various improvements in the Pension scheme like periodical updation of pension along with wage revision for serving employees, 100 % DA to be paid to all pensioners, common indexation of pension, increase in commutable portion of pension, increase in Ex Gratia for Pre-1986 retirees/widows, higher pension for pensioners above the age of 80, etc. After discussion it has been decided to submit a memorandum on these issues to the IBA and the Government and to be pursued further.


Dear comrades,
We reproduce herein the text of UFBU Circular No. 3 of date on the details of the discussions held between UFBU and IBA today at Mumbai.
Pension related issues: While the draft of the Pension Option Settlement has been discussed and finalised, important issues of sharing the deficit / gap were discussed today. Various proposals of sharing method were discussed by us in the UFBU meeting including differential formula for pension optees and PF optees and taken up with the IBA. However, having regard to certain legal and other implications, it has been finalised to have a uniform sharing formula. The details are given in the UFBU circular herein.
Improvements in pension scheme: UFBU has also decided to take up various issues relating to improvements in the Pension Scheme like periodical updation of pension along with wage revision for serving employees, 100 % DA to be paid to all pensioners, common indexation of pension, increase in commutable portion of pension, increase in Ex Gratia for Pre-1986 retirees/widows, higher pension for pensioners above the age of 80, etc.
FINAL SETTLEMENT: Various informations are being floated amongst the employees that the 9th Bipartite Settlement would be signed on 15th, 17th, 25th, etc. As of now, IBA has proposed that the final settlement can be signed on 20th April, 2010 since according to them all the issues stand resolved and the draft is also getting finalised. However, from our side, there are very important issues like IBA’s proposals on outsourcing and increase in duties of Single Window Operators, Head Cashiers and Special Assistants without increase in Special Pay on which there are serious differences with the IBA. Without resolving these issues it would not be possible for AIBEA to sign the Settlement.
We will keep members informed of all developments. Units and members are requested not to be carried away or provoked by attempts from any quarter to create confusions and diversions.
With greetings,
Yours comradely,

GD Nadaf had sent a letter to I B A Chairman

No./1452/85 /10 05.03.2010
05.03.2010To, The Chairman,

The Indian Banks’ Association,

Stadium House,

Block II & III,Vir Nariman Road,

Church Gate,MUMBAI – 400 020.

Dear Sir,

IMPROVEMENTS IN PENSION REGULATIONSWe invite your kind attention to the Recommendations of V Central Pay Commission, wherein the Govt. of India in partial modification of Rule 54(3)a of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, has decided that the payment of family pension at enhanced rates will be payable for 7 years or till the Government servant/pensioner would have attained the age of 67 years against the existing provision of 65 years. This was necessitated in the wake of increase in the age of retirement from 58 to 60 years. These provisions have not been implemented in the Banking Industry although the age of retirement has been revised from 58 to 60 years.In view of the foregoing, we suggest the following amendments to Pension Regulations 1995 for Bank employees, with regard to payment of Family Pension:1) Enhancing the Age upto 67 years for the purpose of Family Pension:As per the Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations 1995, Regulation 39 Sub-rule 3(i) (ii), in the event of death of an employee after retirement, the Family Pension as determined under clause (a) of this sub-regulation shall be payable for a period of seven years or for a period upto the date on which the retried/deceased employee would have attained the age of 65 years, had he survived, whichever is less.It may please be noted that the upper age of 65 years was fixed when the normal retirement age was fixed at 58 years. For all the Bank employees in the Banking Industry the retirement age is increased to 60 years and hence, the payment of family pension should be for 7 years or till the Bank employee would attain the age of 67 against the existing provision of 65 years.2) Revision of rate of family Pension to be at par with Government Employees:As per the Bank (Employees’) Pension Regulations 1995, Regulation 39, Appendix III, the ordinary rate of family pension shall be determined as per scale of pay. For example, the employees, who retired / died on or after 01.11.2007 family pension payable is as follows:Upto Basic Pension of Rs. 5720/- - 30% with a minimum of Rs.1,435.00Basic Pension of above Rs. 5720/- - 20% with a minimum of Rs. 1715.00and below Rs.11,440/-Basic Pension of above Rs. 11,440 - 15% with a minimum of Rs.2,292/- and a maximum of Rs. 4,724/-The family of an employee, who unfortunately dies during the fag end of his career, gets a low family pension which is not sufficient even for sustenance and hence there is an urgent need to revise the family pension rates which is already in vogue as per the family pension scheme 1964. As per the family pension scheme 1964, family pension shall be payable at a uniform rate of 30% of Basic Pay in all cases, instead of the slab system as per Bank (employees’) pension Regulation 1995.
3) Revision in the Commutation Value:As per the Bank (employees’) Pension Regulations 1995, an employee shall be entitled to commute for a lump sum payment of a fraction not exceeding one third of his basic pension i.e., 33% whereas in the case of Government employees, they are entitled for lumpsum payment of an amount not exceeding 40% of his basic pension.The foregoing suggestions are in tune with the Recommendations of the V Central Pay Commission and we request you to arrange for a bipartite Meeting to have a threadbare discussion on the issues. A positive consideration of the above suggestions will benefit a large number of families of Bank employees/ officers.

Thanking you,Yours faithfully,

Sd/-(G.D. NADAF)



In the month of January, 2010, we projected the likely increase in DA from February, 2010, based on the available data. (same DA is also applicable for the months of June 2010 and July, 2010).
Although, it is absolutely impossible to predict such things as inflation figures widely fluctuate and are released by government, yet as requested by our readers and based on the trends so far released, we give below our projections for the DA on the existing scales. .

The exact increase for DA cannot be given at this stage as GOI has yet to announce the CPI for the month of December, 2009. However, based on the CPI already announced for the month of October, 2009 and November, 2009, we are doing this guess work. The CPI announced so far are as follows:-

Month CPI
Jan 2010 -3926
February 2010 -3880

Likely DA for MAY, JUNE, JULY, 2010;Likely Avg CPI =3895; Likely Slabs = 401; Likely

13 April 2010

IN TODAY'S MEETING (13.04.2010)


12 April 2010

Meeting between IBA and four Officers’ Organizations on 9th &10th april

We refer to our circular No.10 of 2010 dated 6th April, 2010 and wish to inform that, as scheduled, a meeting between IBA and INBOC together with the other three Officers’ Organizations was held in Mumbai on 9th and 10th April, 2010 to discuss and finalize Residual issues and Draft Settlement.

Issues related to increase in accumulation and encashment of Privilege Leave, Sick Leave upto 7 days without medical certificate and other types of leaves including special leave for lady officers to undergo hysterectomy, Defined Working hours, financial compensation for working late and on Sundays and holidays were discussed in the two days’ meeting. Discussions also covered the following issues:

1. Modalities governing Stagnation increments
2. Medical Aid and Hospitalization Expenses
3. Recovery of House/Furniture Rent
4. Fixed Personal Pay
5. Professional Qualification Pay
6. Deputation Allowance
7. Hill and Fuel Allowance
8. Halting Allowance
9. Special Area Allowance
10. Mode of Travel and Expenses on Travel
11. Leave Travel Concession
12. Definition of Family
13. Project Area Allowance
14. Mid Academic Transfer Allowance
15. Split Duty Allowance
16. Closing Allowance – coverage and increase
17. Inspecting Officers – increase in the additional diem allowance

We are happy that we are able to reach understandings on a number of issues with the negotiating team of IBA. We propose to take up the remaining issues with the Chairman of IBA seeking his direct intervention, immediately. Meanwhile we wish to inform that IBA will hold a meeting with UFBU on 13th April, 2010 to discuss and finalize Pension Scheme.

With greetings,

Yours sincerely,



10 April 2010

During the course of 2 days’ discussion

Another round of wage negotiations between IBA and workmen’s unions has been held yesterday and today, preceded by a meeting of the unions with Dr Khandelwal Committee, on Human Resource matters in Public

During the course of 2 days’ discussion on wage related matters the followings items were finalized :

HRA – Where quarters are provided recovery of rent will be 0.50% of first stage of scale of pay.

LFC - One more option to change block of years. For encashment, employee to be on leave for, at least, 1(one) day.

Travel by own car with permission of the bank.

Special Area Allowance - In line with Government of India Notification.

FPP - Area I Area II Area III Area IV

Clerk Rs.940/- Rs.930/- Rs.920/- Rs.915/-

Sub Staff Rs.470/- Rs.465/- Rs.460/- Rs.460/-

At places where accommodation is provided by the bank : Rs 860 for clerks and Rs 430 for sub. staff and increment component in all cases Rs.800/- for clerk and Rs.400/- for sub staff.

Halting Allowance - Area I & II Area III Area IV

lerk Rs 500/- per diem Rs 375/-per diem Rs. 300/- per diem

Sub. Staff Rs 375/- per diem Rs 250/- per diem Rs. 185/- per diem

PQP/Graduation Pay – Rs.250/- after 1 yr, Rs.490/- after 2 yrs., Rs.740/- after 3 yrs., Rs.990/- after 4 yrs.,

Rs.1230/- after 5 yrs, all per month.

Implementation - Items Date of effect

Scale of pay, Stagnation increment, DA, 1st November 2007

PQP,FPP,HRA,Transport,Medical Aid, Allowances under the Heads : Special Area , Hill & Fuel, Washing, Split Duty, Cycle, Project Area; PF & Gratuity .

Part Time Employees - Upto 3 hrs - Rs 1030/- 1st November 2007

Upto 6 hrs – Rs 144o/-

Elevation to 1/3rd Scale Wage 1st May 2010

Halting Allowance 1st May 2010

LFC, Hospitalisation, Leave or Hysterectomy,Road Date of settlement Milage, Family Defination.

Discussion was also held for improvement of Hospitalisation Scheme but is yet to be finalised. On outsourcing and Duty of

Special Pay carrying posts, proposal of IBA have been opposed and no conclusion could be reached.

Next round of talks will be held on 13th instant.

Further developments shall be advised to you in due course


CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 26/52/2010/13 9-4-2010


Dear Comrades,


Further to the meeting held with the IBA on 3-4-2010 when the chart on distribution of the total cost of wage revision to various heads was finalized and signed, another round of meeting took place with the IBA on 7th and 8th April, 2010. AIBEA, NCBE, BEFI and NOBW took part in the meeting. ( INBEF did not sign the Distribution Chart on 3-4-2010 and did not attend the meeting with IBA on 7/8-4-2010).

In these 2 days meeting, the drafting of the Settlement was undertaken. Most part of the drafting exercise has been completed including revised schedule on PQP, FPP, hospitalization reimbursement scheme, Special Area Allowance, etc.

However, IBA insisted on their proposals on outsourcing to be incorporated in the Settlement to which we did not agree. We have stated that, at the best, some of items which do not affect the normal job/work of the employees can be considered for outsourcing and there cannot be any free hand to outsourcing of permanent and perennial jobs.

While finalizing the duties of Special Pay posts like Single Window Operators, Head Cashiers and Special Assistants, we have informed that additional duties can be considered subject to additional increase in Special Pay and hence their proposals could not be agreed to by us.

These two issues – both are vital issues – need to be sorted out before we can fully complete the drafting of the Settlement.

In the meantime, it has been decided that on 13-4-2010, another round of meeting will be held between IBA and UFBU to finalise the formula for contribution of Rs. 1800 crores to the Pension Fund as already agreed to in the MOU dated 27-11-2009.

After we sort out these important issues as stated above, date would be fixed up for formal signing of the Settlement on wage revision and pension option.

Further developments would be informed to units and members in due course.

With greetings,
Yours comradely,


09 April 2010


AIBOC has issued a circular Regarding Bipartite Talks which is reproduced hereunder for information
CIRCULAR NO.45 08.04.2010


We are receiving a number of SMS and e-mails from our members on the understandings reached with the IBA on 3rd April 2010, as regards distribution of wage load of 17.5% among various components of salary and allowances. In this connection we would like to clarify that,

a) UFBU has agreed to accept 17.5% wage increase w.e.f 01.11.2007, as per MoU signed on 27th November, 2009. The issue cannot be reopened now.
b) The 6th Pay Commission recommendations for wage revision of Central Government employers are effective from 01.01.2006, for a term of 10 years. In case of Bank employees it is for a period of 5 years from 01.11.2007. The distribution of wage load for Central Government employees is not uniform. A meager increase of about 15-20% for lower level officials and higher increase at Secretary Level, with different pay bands is followed for them. Where as in our case we have tried to maintain equidistribution of load factor.
c) In case of Central Government employees, they will first arrive at the proposed revised scales and allowances and there is no restriction as regards cost of wage bill. The entire cost will be debited to the National Ex-chequer of the Government of India.
d) In the case of Bank employees, Government of India first fixes the limit for percentage increase and distribution of the increased load among various components of salary and allowances, is the responsibility of IBA and Unions/Associations.
e) Therefore, it is a herculean task to balance the demands of IBA and the Unions in drawing the revised scales of officers upto scale VII.

f) During the current bipartite the demand of the IBA was to distribute higher load to Officers of SMGS IV and above, whereas we demanded equitable distribution of the load to all scales/grades, as higher load to senior grade officers and above will affect the scales of junior officers.

g) However, keeping in view the higher risk and responsibility of senior executives, we suggested to the IBA to get extra cost over and above 17.5% sanctioned from the Government of India to meet their demand. The IBA did not accept our suggestion and was bent upon loading higher increase in scales of senior executives. We are successful in minimising such higher load.

2. Our members will agree that, the issues being sensitive and the cost involved for higher loading at a senior level officer being barely few crores, breaking the negotiations on this point would have divided our membership. The frustration level at grass root level membership for early settlement is known to everyone. Therefore, Negotiating Committee after due deliberations, has agreed to come to an understanding with IBA on distribution of wage load of 17.5% in salary and allowances. There may be a few aberrations/anomalies as regards revised scales etc., which we will take up with the IBA during our further discussions. There is no hurry in coming to premature conclusions and resorting to vilification campaign to belittle the efforts of the Confederation which may divide the membership. Basic principle of Trade Union is “one for all, and all for one”. We hope our enlightened members will appreciate the genuine constraints faced by the leadership at negotiating table.

3. Comrades, we welcome your constructive feedback, but do not appreciate immature reactions, which affect the unity of the great organisation, AIBOC.

With greetings,

08 April 2010

IBA-UFBU meeting


06 April 2010



As a one time dispensation, it has been decided to pay overtime wages to Award Staff for attending to works relating to Annual Closing of Accounts for a maximum of 15 hours ( 2 hours @100%, 4 hours @170%, 9 hours @200%). Staff members attending to Government business/ collection of taxes in Treasury branches/ branches handling collection of taxes at the year end, may be paid overtime wages up to a maximum of 25 hours (including the aforesaid 15 hours)



answer some pension related questions


Dear Comrades,

We are getting number of queries about settlement on pension option, how much will be the share of existing employees towards the gap of Rs. 1800 crores, how much the retired employees who opt for pension should repay, date of effect, etc. Units will appreciate that all details will be finalized and informed to our units after the settlement is signed. However, in order to answer some of these repeated questions, we give below the following present position:


IBA has agreed that another option will be given to join the pension scheme for the following:

a) Those who are existing employees now and are in PF.
b) Those who were in PF and in service on the date of Pension Regulation 1995/96 and now want to opt for pension scheme
c) Those who were in PF and in service on the date of Pension Regulation 1995/96 and retired during this period but died subsequently ( family will be given an option now)
d) Those who were in PF and in service on the date of Pension Regulation 1995/96 and died while in service during this period ( family will be given an option now)
e) Those who were in PF and in service on the date of Pension Regulation 1995/96 and have taken voluntary retirement from service.


Formula is being worked out both for the contribution by the retired employees opting for pension now as well for the existing employees to contribute for the gap of Rs. 1800 crores.


IBA has stated that pension option will be given to all the retired employees as mentioned in 1. b,c,d,e, above and will be effective from the date of settlement i.e. pension will be payable to the retirees from the date of the pension option settlement. UFBU is pursuing the matter for retrospective date.

BANKS AFTER 1-11-2007:

For all those employees who are already under pension scheme and who have retired from the Bank service after 1-11-2007, their pension amount and commutation will be revised based on the 9th BPS Pay. Arrears of wage revision will be paid to them from 1-11-2007 till their date of retirement and arrears on account of increase in commutation and monthly pension will be paid from their date of retirement.

Yours comradely, C.H. VENKATACHALAM

04 April 2010


Today (03-04-2010) morning, as informed earlier, we had another round of talks between our five workmen unions and IBA. In today’s meeting, after detailed discussions, final understandings have been reached on the various service conditions and the chart on distribution of the total increase of Rs. 2577 crores to various heads has been finalised. It has now been decided that the next meeting will take place on 7th April, 2010 when the draft settlement will be taken up for finalisation. It has been further decided that after finalising the draft settlement, the signing of the same should be completed by middle of April, 2010.
Comrades, it is a major step today that we are nearing the final settlement. We urge upon our members to remain patient at this crucial hour as we are aware that many misinformed and misguided individuals are trying to create confusions and disaffection. Remain united, remain alert to keep such attempts at a distance.
Congratulations to all of you,
1. Scales of Pay:
Clerical Staff: 6200 – 400 x 3 – 7400 – 500 x3 – 8900 – 600 x 4 – 11300 – 700 x 7 – 16200 – 1300 x 1 – 17500 – 800 x 1 – 18300.
Substaff: 5500 – 200 x 4 – 6300 – 250 x 5 – 7550 – 300 x 4 – 8750 – 350 x 3 – 9800 – 400 x 3 – 11000.
2. Stagnation Increment:
Clerical: 7 stagnation increments (800 x 6 once in 3 years & 800 (7th) after 2 years)
Substaff: 7 stagnation increments (400 x 7 once in 2 years)
Extended Pay Scales: (With Stagnation increment)
Clerical: 6200 – 18000 – 23900.
Substaff: 5500 – 11000 – 13800.
3. DA: 0.15% per slab over 2836 points.
4. HRA:
a) Places over 45 lacs : 10%
b) 12 to 45 lacs : 9%
c) 5 to 12 lacs : 7.5%
d) Below 5 lacs : 7%
5. Transport Allowance: (For Clerks and Substaff)
Upto 15th Stage: Rs. 225 per month
16th Stage and above: Rs. 275 per month
6. Special Pay:
For November, 2007 to April, 2010: Existing Special Pay will be revised and arrears paid.
From May, 2010:

Present No Special Pay holders : Rs. 1000/-

Present Special Pay holders : Rs. 1500/-

Head Cashier II : Rs. 1780/-

Special Assistant : Rs. 2180/-
(Note: Out of this, Rs. 1000/- will be added to Basic Pay and balance will continue as Special Pay.)
7. Fixed Personal Pay & PQP
Will be revised based on new basic pay.
8. Hill and Fuel Allowance:
a) Places – 3000 meters and above : 8% maximum Rs. 1295/-
b) 1500 – 3000 meters : 4% maximum Rs. 510/-
c) Over 1000 meters + Mercara : 3% maximum 410
9. Medical Aid: Rs. 2000/- per year
10. Hospitalisation Scheme: Being improved with revised schedule, etc.
11. Part Time Employees: (Lump sum)
(November, 2007 to April, 2010)
Upto 3 hours per week : Rs. 1030/-
3 to 6 hours per week : Rs. 1440/-
From May, 2010 : All will be brought to 1/3rd Scale wages.
12. Halting Allowance: Being increased
13. Washing Allowance: Rs. 100/- per month
14. Cycle Allowance: Rs. 75/- per month
15. Split Duty Allowance: Rs. 125/- per month
16. Project Area Compensatory Allowance:
Group A Centres /Group B Centres
Clerks : Rs. 205/- per month/Rs. 180/- per month
Substaff : Rs. 180/- per month/Rs. 150/- per month
17. Special Area Allowance: Being revised.
18. Reimbursement in Road Travel:
Actual road mileage cost or Rs. 3 per Km whichever is less.
19. Pension:
Another option will be given to all existing employees and those who have retired / died after pension regulation 1995 / 1996.
20. Gratuity:
Will be payable on revised Basic Pay from 1.11.2007
21. Provident Fund: 10% of pay from 1.11.2007
22. Definition of dependence under family: Upto monthly income of Rs. 3500/-
23. Compensation for losses due to breakage or damage to goods on transfer:
With Receipt/ Without Receipt
Clerks: Rs. 1120/- / Rs. 745/-
Substaff: Rs. 745/- / Rs. 560/-
24. Special Leave for Women:
Within the maternity leave entitlement, women employees can avail 45 days special leave for undergoing hysterectomy operation
25. Effective Date: 1st November, 2007"
Improvement in LFC:


for Clerks - AC 2 Tier
for subordinate staff - AC 3 Tier


For subordinate staff
Once in 2 years - 2500 km
Once in 4 years - 5000 km

For clerks
Once in 2 years - 2000 km
Once in 4 years - 4000 km

Following is the details of negotiation as per AIBOA version....
"Higher start of Basic Pay demanded but due to cost constraints, IBA not considered. Basic Pay Rs.14500/- - Rs.52000/-

2. Medical Aid –Rs.5100 / upto Scale III – above Scale III – Rs.6320/-

3. Stagnation Increment for Scale I, II and III – 2 increments

4. Next round of discussion on Residual Issues – 9th & 10th April 2010.

5. On common issues UFBU meeting with IBA on 12.04.2010 for finalizing Pension draft.

6. Settlement will be signed on 15.04.2010"

Some more details about Officers' Package

• Basic Pay Rs.14500/- - Rs.52000/-.
• Medical Aid –Rs.5100 / upto Scale III; Above Scale III – Rs.6320/-
• Stagnation Increment for Scale I, II and III – 2 increments.
• Next round of discussion on Residual Issues – 9th & 10th April 2010.
• On common issues UFBU meeting with IBA on 12.04.2010 for finalizing Pension draft
• Settlement will be signed on 15.04.2010

JMGS-I - Rs.14, 500/- TO Rs.31, 500/- (including two additional stagnation increments)
MMGS-II - Rs.19, 400/- TO Rs.34, 200/- (including two additional stagnation increments)
MMGS-III - Rs.25, 700/- TO Rs.35, 100/- (including two additional stagnation increments)
SMGS-IV - Rs.30, 600/- TO Rs.36, 200/-
SMGS-V - Rs.36, 200/- TO Rs.40, 400/-
TEG-VI - Rs.42,000/- TO Rs.46,800/-
TEG-VII - Rs.46,800/- TO Rs.52,000/-

DEARNESS ALLOWANCE :- For every 4 points rise/fall in index, Dearness Allowance at 0.15% per slab.
CITY COMPENSATARY ALLOWANCE : We have freezed the existing CCA and utilized the amount towards
improvement in Basic Pay. Accordingly, CCA rates will be as under;

Places in Area I - 4% of Basic Pay, Max. Rs.540/- p.m.
Places with population of more than 5 lacs - 3% of Basic Pay,
Max. Rs.375/- p.m.

We have retained the existing rate of HRA as under:
Major A class cities - 8.5%
Other places in Area I - 7.5%
Other places - 6.5%

For officers other than SBI, the medical aid has been enhanced as;
Scale I to III – Rs. 5100/- p.a.
Scale IV & above - Rs. 6320/- p.a.


It is a fact that majority of senior officers in Scale I to III are stagnated as promotions are linked to vacancies. Hence, we have ensured to add two additional stagnation increments in these scales.

Date of Effect : 1st November 2007.

03 April 2010


The important ingredients of the working out are as follows:-
SCALESJMGS-I - Rs.14, 500/- TO Rs.31, 500/-@
MMGS-II - Rs.19, 400/- TO Rs.34, 200/-@
MMGS-III - Rs.25, 700/- TO Rs.35, 100/-@
@including two additional stagnation incrementsSMGS-IV - Rs.30, 600/- TO Rs.36, 200/-SMGS-V - Rs.36, 200/- TO Rs.40, 400/-
TEG-VI - Rs.42,000/- TO Rs.46,800/-
TEG-VII - Rs.46,800/- TO Rs.52,000/-
DEARNESS ALLOWANCEFor every 4 points rise/fall in index, Dearness Allowance at 0.15% per slab.CITY COMPENSATARY ALLOWANCEWe have freezed the existing CCA and utilized the amount towards improvement in Basic Pay. Accordingly, CCA rates will be as under; Places in Area I - 4% of Basic Pay, Max. Rs.540/- p.m. Places with population of more than 5 lacs - 3% of Basic Pay, Max. Rs.375/- p.m.
We have retained the existing rate of HRA as under:Major A class cities - 8.5%Other places in Area I - 7.5%Other places - 6.5%
MEDICAL AID – For officers other than SBI, the medical aid has been enhanced as; Scale I to III – Rs. 5100/- p.a.Scale IV & above - Rs. 6320/- p.a.
STAGNATION INCREMENTS:It is a fact that majority of senior officers in Scale I to III are stagnated as promotions are linked to vacancies. Hence, we have ensured to add two additional stagnation increments in these scales.Date of Effect : 1st November 2007.The other details will be shared later. We expect that final settlement on salary revision; pension for CPF optees and residual issues will be arrived at during second week of April, 2010.5. Comrades, in the given circumstances; when we secured pension for CPF optees, this is one of the best settlements on salary revision for officers. We are successful in ensuring fair increase in basic pay for all scales/grades and two additional stagnation increment to Scale I to Scale III, which is the unique achievement in the 9th bipartite. The concept of stagnation increment for officers was first time introduced during 1987 and there was no improvement thereafter except adding one more stagnation increment to MMGS III during the period.6. Members are requested not to be guided by any type of rumors and adverse comments. We compliment our members for their tolerance, faith and maturity displayed in standing like a rock behind the Confederation.7. In the meanwhile, the leadership of the Confederation will be meticulously planning to herald the commencement of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations to coincide with the inking of the 9th Bipartite Agreement. The details will be circularised in due course.With revolutionary greetings,(G.D.NADAF)GENERAL SECRETAY.

Final understandings with iba on ഏപ്രില്‍ 3 2010

CIRCULAR NO. 26/57/2010/7 April 3, 2010


Dear comrades,
Ø Talks with IBA today.
Ø Positive Development.
Ø Distribution Chart Finalised.
Ø Settlement to be signed shortly.
Today morning, as informed earlier, we had another round of talks between our five workmen unions and IBA. In today’s meeting, after detailed discussions, final understandings have been reached on the various service conditions and the chart on distribution of the total increase of Rs. 2577 crores to various heads has been finalised. It has now been decided that the next meeting will take place on 7th April, 2010 when the draft settlement will be taken up for finalisation. It has been further decided that after finalising the draft settlement, the signing of the same should be completed by middle of April, 2010.

Comrades, it is a major step today that we are nearing the final settlement. We urge upon our members to remain patient at this crucial hour as we are aware that many misinformed and misguided individuals are trying to create confusions and disaffection. Remain united, remain alert to keep such attempts at a distance.

Congratulations to all of you,

With greetings,
Yours comradely,

Final understandings!

1. Scales of Pay:

Clerical Staff: 6200 – 400 x 3 – 7400 – 500 x3 – 8900 – 600 x 4 – 11300 – 700 x 7 – 16200 – 1300 x 1 – 17500 – 800 x 1 – 18300.

Substaff: 5500 – 200 x 4 – 6300 – 250 x 5 – 7550 – 300 x 4 – 8750 – 350 x 3 – 9800 – 400 x 3 – 11000.

2. Stagnation Increment:

Clerical: 7 stagnation increments (800 x 6 once in 3 years & 800 (7th) after 2 years)

Substaff: 7 stagnation increments (400 x 7 once in 2 years)

Extended Pay Scales: (With Stagnation increment)

Clerical: 6200 – 18000 – 23900.

Substaff: 5500 – 11000 – 13800.

3. DA: 0.15% per slab over 2836 points.

4. HRA:

a) Places over 45 lacs : 10%
b) 12 to 45 lacs : 9%
c) 5 to 12 lacs : 7.5%
d) Below 5 lacs : 7%

5. Transport Allowance: (For Clerks and Substaff)

Upto 15th Stage: Rs. 225 per month
16th Stage and above: Rs. 275 per month

6. Special Pay:

For November, 2007 to April, 2010: Existing Special Pay will be revised and arrears paid.

From May, 2010:

Present No Special Pay holders : Rs. 1000/-
Present Special Pay holders : Rs. 1500/-
Head Cashier II : Rs. 1780/-
Special Assistant : Rs. 2180/-

(Note: Out of this, Rs. 1000/- will be added to Basic Pay and balance will continue as Special Pay.)

7. Fixed Personal Pay & PQP

Will be revised based on new basic pay.

8. Hill and Fuel Allowance:

a) Places – 3000 meters and above : 8% maximum Rs. 1295/-
b) 1500 – 3000 meters : 4% maximum Rs. 510/-
c) Over 1000 meters + Mercara : 3% maximum 410

9. Medical Aid: Rs. 2000/- per year

10. Hospitalisation Scheme: Being improved with revised schedule, etc.

11. Part Time Employees: (Lump sum)

(November, 2007 to April, 2010)
Upto 3 hours per week : Rs. 1030/-
3 to 6 hours per week : Rs. 1440/-

From May, 2010 : All will be brought to 1/3rd Scale wages.

12. Halting Allowance: Being increased

13. Washing Allowance: Rs. 100/- per month

14. Cycle Allowance: Rs. 75/- per month

15. Split Duty Allowance: Rs. 125/- per month

16. Project Area Compensatory Allowance:

Group A Centres Group B Centres

Clerks : Rs. 205/- per month Rs. 180/- per month
Substaff : Rs. 180/- per month Rs. 150/- per month

17. Special Area Allowance: Being revised.

18. Reimbursement in Road Travel:

Actual road mileage cost or Rs. 3 per Km whichever is less.

19. Pension:

Another option will be given to all existing employees and those who have retired / died after pension regulation 1995 / 1996.

20. Gratuity:

Will be payable on revised Basic Pay from 1.11.2007

21. Provident Fund: 10% of pay from 1.11.2007

22. Definition of dependence under family: Upto monthly income of Rs. 3500/-

23. Compensation for losses due to breakage or damage to goods on transfer:

With Receipt Without Receipt
Clerks: Rs. 1120/- Rs. 745/-
Substaff: Rs. 745/- Rs. 560/-

24. Special Leave for Women:

Within the maternity leave entitlement, women employees can avail 45 days special leave for undergoing hysterectomy operation

25. Effective Date: 1st November, 2007

02 April 2010


With regard to the above we wish to inform that a meeting between IBA and UFBU was held today from 1.30 pm onwards in the office IBA, Mumbai. Prior to the meeting with IBA, a meeting of UFBU was held at 10.30 am in Mumbai.

In the meeting, the Convener Mr. C. H. Venkatachalam reported to UFBU constituents that there is no forward movement on the three issues viz. Effective date for Pension, Costing of Pension and Pension balancing (which means that a part of 17.5% increase in wages would go to SBI) inspite of various efforts put in by UFBU. The meeting also noted the growing impatience amongst the Bank employees to reach a settlement and the wild rumours in circulation.

In the above background, UFBU met IBA at 1.30 pm to reach a settlement on Pension and Wage Revision. In the detailed discussions that took place on Pension, quite unfortunately, certain problems cropped up on the number of employees who may not opt for pension considering their age, health and other circumstances. UFBU desired that the number under this category may be taken on assumption basis, say 10% and work out the Pension costing thereof. However IBA insisted that they are not for any assumption but for arriving at actual number.

As all are aware, counting the actual number of non-optees would be a time consuming process. Further, to exercise the option, one quite obviously needs to be advised of the terms and conditions of the Pension Scheme, time schedule etc. This will result in further delay, UFBU stated. However IBA insisted on the actual counting. As there was no progress to reach a decision on this issue, it was decided to adjourn the meeting to 3rd April 2010.

On Wage Revision, IBA submitted to the four officers’ organizations revised proposals on pay structure Rs.14500-52000, stagnation increments, various allowance etc. In the preliminary discussions that followed in the meeting of four officers’ organizations, INBOC reiterated its earlier demand that starting basic must be minimum Rs.15,000/- to rectify the injustice caused to junior officers during the last revision and other amendments. The four officers’ organizations shall meet again, reach a consensus on the IBA proposal and take it further in the meeting with IBA on 3rd April 2010. We shall advise the outcome after the meeting.

With greetings,
Yours sincerely,


01 April 2010

IBA-UFBU meeting held today (31-03-2010)

UFBU Meeting: A meeting of the UFBU was held today (31-03-2010) morning in Mumbai under the presidentship of Com. L. Balasubramanian (President, NCBE). After detailed discussions, it was decided that all efforts should be taken to sort out the common issues with the IBA and finalise the settlement on wage revision and pension option without any further delay.

Meeting with IBA: Another round of Bipartite Talks were held between IBA and UFBU today (31-03-2010) afternoon. IBA was represented by Mr. Ramakrishnan, Chief Executive and other Executives. Representatives of all our nine Unions were present in his meeting. In today’s discussions we took up the common issues like effective date of pension option, equalizing the cost between PF and Pension components, re-working the cost of pension for the employees/officers now in PF and migrating to pension scheme after option , taking into account the possibility of some employees continuing in PF scheme, retirements taken place from 1-11-2007, etc.

On the issue of equalizing the cost of PF and Pension, IBA did not agree to our earlier proposal and hence it has been agreed that the same would be worked out by balancing the corresponding costs of these two components.

On the effective date of pension option, IBA maintained that while the option would be made available to both existing employees and retired employees, it would be effective from the date of Settlement and not from 1-4-2008 as demanded by us. UFBU would pursue this issue further.

On the issue of re-working the cost of pension as proposed by us, IBA did not agree with our proposals to assume the number of employees who would remain in PF, etc. and rather proposed to go with the actual number after implementation of the pension option instead of going by any assumptions. After discussions amongst the constituents, it was decided not to press this issue further and the IBA was accordingly informed of the same.

Next Meeting: It has been decided that the next round of meeting with IBA will take place on 3rd April, 2010 – with the workmen unions in the forenoon and with officers associations in the afternoon. In this meeting on 3rd April, efforts would be taken to finalise the distribution of the total amount ( Rs. 2577 crores per year for workmen and Rs. 2239 crores per year for officers ) to various heads like Basic Pay, DA, Stagnation Increments, HRA and other allowances, Medical Aid, PF, Gratuity, Pension, etc. based on the discussions held so far with the IBA. All other connected matters would also be sorted out.

After finalsing this distribution chart on 3-4-2010, the date would be fixed up for signing the Settlement on Wage Revision and Pension Option.