In the month of January, 2010, we projected the likely increase in DA from February, 2010, based on the available data. (same DA is also applicable for the months of June 2010 and July, 2010).
Although, it is absolutely impossible to predict such things as inflation figures widely fluctuate and are released by government, yet as requested by our readers and based on the trends so far released, we give below our projections for the DA on the existing scales. .
The exact increase for DA cannot be given at this stage as GOI has yet to announce the CPI for the month of December, 2009. However, based on the CPI already announced for the month of October, 2009 and November, 2009, we are doing this guess work. The CPI announced so far are as follows:-
Month CPI
Jan 2010 -3926
February 2010 -3880
Likely DA for MAY, JUNE, JULY, 2010;Likely Avg CPI =3895; Likely Slabs = 401; Likely DA=72.18%
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